The preparation time for Christmas is called "Advent" from the Latin "adventus" = arrival. In the religious sphere, this time was celebrated in all Christian denominations with special masses or (home) devotions in preparation for the coming of the Savior. Since Gregory the Great, the Advent season has comprised four Sundays. It begins on the Sunday closer to the feast of St. Andrew (November 30) and ends on Christmas. Thus, Advent can begin on November 27 and last 28 days, or it can begin on December 3 and last only 21 days until Christmas. In connection with the Protestant preparation for Christmas stands the emergence of Advent wreath and Advent tree. In parallel, the Advent calendar developed in the secular sphere.
The Advent wreath originated in the “Rauhes Haus” in Hamburg, part of the Protestant Inner Mission.
An Advent tree was put up for the first time in 1846. It originated in the Protestant Inner Mission.
Advent calendars are an aid devised by adults for children to illustrate how many days are left until Christmas.